Course Override Information
Below you will find our most up-to-date listing of override processes by academic college.
- Non-Degree, Transient, and Auditing students DO NOT have to request overrides into
most classes. The Office of the Registrar provides a blanket override for these populations.
- EXCEPTION: Campus Restriction cannot be bypassed.
- Override approvals are not guaranteed.
- Most departments will not grant overrides for closed courses.
- Each department may have different procedures or criteria for granting overrides.
- Once an override has been processed, it is your responsibility to register for the course.
- If you must send an email to request an override, always be sure to include your name, student ID#, your major, the specific course you are requesting the override for, and a brief justification for the request in your message.
Bagwell College of Education
- E-Mail:
Coles College of Business
Course Prefixes Include: ACCT, BLAW, BUSA, ECON, ENTR, FIN, FTA, HMGT, INS, IS, ISA, MEBU, MGT, MKTG, and RE
College of Architecture and Construction Management
Course Prefixes Include: ARCH and CM
- Registration Override Request Form
To request a registration override into a course for the upcoming semester, please select the button above and fill out the Registration Override Request Form. Requests are reviewed by the Department of the noted course and incomplete forms will be denied. Please have your KSU email address and KSU ID number ready and be prepared to provide the course information for your request.
Once the Department has reviewed the request, you will receive an auto-generated email with the decision. If your request is granted, please register for the course immediately through Owl Express.
If you have and questions or have not received a decision to approve or deny your request after 7 business days, please contact:
- Architecture Department Override Policy
- Construction Management Override Policy
- Repeated Course Override
Permission is required to enroll in a course for a third (or more) time. If you have attempted a CM or ARCH course two (or more) times previously, including withdrawals, please complete the form and steps below to request re-enrollment.
After completing the Re-enrollment Request Form below, please schedule an advising appointment to review the form and discuss a plan for success. Please note, requests for a fourth (or more) attempt will require additional review and approval from the Department Chair.
- Registration Override Request Form
College of Computing and Software Engineering
Course Prefixes Include: CGDD, CSE, CS, DATA, IT, SWE, and STAT
College of Science and Mathematics
Course Prefixes Include: BIOL, CHEM, ENVS, MATH, PHYS, SCI, and SCM
Pre-Requisite Override Forms
Repeat Override Information and Form
What is a 3rd attempt?
- A 3rd repeat means that you have attempted the course 2 times before at KSU.
3rd Attempt Deadlines
Summer 2025: Thursday, May 22nd at noon
Fall 2025: Friday, August 15th at noon
What is a 4th or higher attempt?
- A 4th or higher repeat means that you have attempted the course 3 or more times before
at KSU.
4th+ Attempt Deadlines
Summer 2025: Monday, May 19th at 11:59 PM
Fall 2025: Friday, August 8th at 11:59 PM
Closed Course Override Policy
We recognize that certain courses are extremely popular in our college. We are constantly trying to meet demand for our courses. But, this sometimes still means that a class you wish to take fills up. To best utilize the systems available at KSU (waitlists), CSM has a "No closed class override" policy. We want all students to have an equal chance at getting into a class.
College of The Arts
Course Prefixes Include: ANIM, ARED, ARH, ART, DANC, MUAP, MUSI, MUED, and TPS
Institute for Cybersecurity Workforce Development
Course prefixes include CYBR and courses IT 1114/L and CSE 1321/L for cybersecurity majors.
For all overrides, email Please email rather than scheduling an advising appointment.
Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Course Prefixes Include: AMST, BLCK, GWST, LALS, PAX, PERS, RELS, and STS
Course Prefixes Include: ANTH, GEOG, GIS, and SURV
- General Override Request
- For 3rd attempt overrides, select the "Other" option.
- General Override Request
Course Prefixes Include: COMM, JOUR, MENT, ORGC, and PR
Course Prefixes Include: CRJU and SOCI
- Email:
Course Prefixes Include: ENGL, FILM, LING, and WRIT
- For ENGL 1102 Pre-Requisite Overrides: Contact your academic advisor.
- For all other overrides:
- Email Alicia McGee from your KSU student email.
- For repeat overrides, please include your KSU ID number, the course you’re trying to repeat, the semester you would like to take it, as well as a brief explanation of why you didn’t pass in previous attempts and why this attempt will be different (about 3-5 sentences).
Course Prefixes Include: HIST and PHIL
Course Prefixes Include: IA and POLS
Course Prefixes Include: IAD, TCID, and TCOM
- 3rd Attempt Override
- For closed, prerequisite, or other overrides, please email
Course Prefixes Include: ISD
Course Prefixes Include: LDRS
Course Prefixes Include: PSYC
Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology
Course Prefixes Include: CE, CPE, ECET, EDG, EE, ENGR, IET, ISYE, ME, MET, MTRE, NS, and REET
Wellstar College of Health and Human Services
Course Prefixes Include: ES
- 3rd Attempt Form
- Other overrides: Email Dr. Tiffany Esmat -
Course Prefixes Include: HPE, IHS, IPE, PHE, and WELL
Course Prefixes Include: HS
Course Prefixes Include: NURS
- Contact
Course Prefixes Include: SM
- 3rd Attempt Form
- Other overrides: Email Dr. Jennifer Willett -
- Please visit the Wellstar Advising Office for an advising appointment prior to emailing.