
  • ART

    What is Art?

    The BFA prepares students for a variety of art and art-related careers or graduate school by providing a thorough grounding in fundamental principles and techniques with opportunities for emphasis in one or more arts areas. This degree focuses on intensive work in art or design supported by a program of general studies. The BFA degree offers concentrations in art education, art history, ceramics, drawing and painting, graphic communications, illustration, photography and video, printmaking, sculpture, sequential art, and textile and surface design.

    Geer College of The Arts

    Learn more about the Art Major

    Admission Requirements

    Admission to degree programs in the School of Art and Design is contingent upon portfolio review and acceptance by the school. Applications and portfolios will be reviewed by the School of Art and Design Portfolio Review Committee.   

    The School of Art and Design (SOOAD) Entry Portfolio requires 4 artworks and a 200-word artist statement. 

    Click Here for complete admission requirements

    Degree Progression Requirements

    All students must maintain the minimum GPA requirement for the University to continue in the School of Art and Design.

    • Art Education concentration students must maintain a 2.5 GPA in alignment with requirements of the Teacher Education Program.  
    • Any students in Academic Dismissal with the University are also dismissed from the School of Art and Design.
    • All students must make timely and reasonable progress toward the degree.
    • Non-enrollment or withdrawal from all classes for two or more consecutive semesters will require reapplication to the School of Art and Design.

    Double Owl Pathways

    Related Minors or Certificates Available

    • Art History Minor
    • Classical Studies Minor

    Sample Classes

    • The study of computer technology employed by professional artists. Digital presentation and documentation techniques covered. Limited work with art production software.

    • This course introduces digital photography and its basic practices for fine art applications. It explores various methods of photographic image-making in contemporary art and its interpretations. Assignments and class critiques will emphasize the development of a visual vocabulary and explore the possibilities of photography as a visual arts medium.

    • In this course students will gain a comprehensive understanding of pottery creation using the wheel throwing technique and the various pottery decoration techniques.

    • Intensive study of the human figure; action, structure, volume, design and expressive potentialities from a variety of models, using a variety of media. Some portraiture.
