
Learn More About Management

Admission Requirements

Students may initially declare an "-Interest" based major in this subject, but must still meet additional requirements to be formally accepted into the degree program.

Before a business major can be admitted to the Coles College Undergraduate Professional Program and enroll in any upper-division business courses (3000-4000 level), she or he must meet the Coles Sophomore GPA Requirement. This involves earning an Adjusted GPA of 3.00 or greater for the following seven courses:

  • ACCT 2101 Principles of Accounting I
  • ACCT 2102 Principles of Accounting II
  • ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ECON 2300 Business Statistics
  • IS 2200 Information Systems & Communications
  • BLAW 2200 Legal and Ethical Environment of Business

Students also need to take BUSA 2150. Successful completion of this course is also a requirement for admission.

General Education Core IMPACTS Curriculum Recommendations for this Major

 M: Students should take MATH 1111 or higher

Related Minors or Certificates Available

  • Business Fundamentals Certificate
  • Business Law Minor
  • Management Minor
  • Operations and Purchasing Minor

Sample Classes

  • Everyone in today’s organizations, whether they choose the role of senior executive, manager or employee, needs an understanding of how people behave in organizations. Organizational behavior is the study of behavioral science applications in organizations- what people think, feel and do in and around organizations. This course draws on psychology, sociology, anthropology and related disciplines, but its distinction is that the goal for understanding human behavior is to improve individual performance and organizational effectiveness. The study of organizational behavior examines individual characteristics in a richly diverse workplace, group dynamics in task completion, and the profound effects that individual and group behaviors have on an organization’s success.

  • People are an organization’s most valuable assets. This course provides students with an understanding and capability to manage these assets (self and others) to support the goals of the organization. It covers the human resource practices and people management skills used to attract, motivate, develop, and retain employees. Students also develop self-management skills and personal career growth strategies to enhance their professionalism and employability.

  • In this course, students learn to develop a long-term vision and competitive strategy for a company. Students learn to balance short-term objectives with long-term strategic goals. They learn to recognize interactions among the internal factors (resources and processes) and external environments, and the impact of both on performance. Students also demonstrate their ability to make decisions, and to analyze, justify, and professionally communicate the results of those decisions.

  • This course deals with the basic managerial functions in an international enterprise. It explores the theoretical and practical aspects of managing international business operations, and deals with multi-cultural and global issues of managing the business expansion beyond the domestic market. It portrays the difficulties of managing enterprises that cross national borders and have to deal with cultural diversity, and diversity in socio-political and economic systems.